Research projects |
Analysis of the results of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS 2010). Various studies and reports for Eurofound, for the Belgian Ministry for Employment, Work and Industrial Relations, and for the European Trade Union Institute (2011-2015) |
Several studies and publications were carried out from 2011 to 2015, resulting from analysis of the results of the 5th European Working Conditions survey (EWCS 2010) in various areas: ageing at work, quality of work and employment, gender aspects of working conditions.
Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc
A gender perspective on older workers' employment and working conditions
Working Paper 2014.03
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2014
(66 pp.)
ISSN 1994-4446-Print / 1994-4454-Online
Presentation on the web site ETUI Publications
Downloadable (PDF) |
Patricia Vendramin, Gérard Valenduc (FTU), Anne-Françoise Molinié, Serge Volkoff (Centre d'études de l'emploi, Paris), Michel Ajzen, Evelyne Léonard (UCL)
Sustainable work and the ageing workforce
Eurofound - European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Dublin)
Report EF1266, decembre 2012
Downloadable from the Eurofound web site (5.5Mo, 104 pages) |
Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc
Occupations and ageing at work
An analysis of the findings of the fifth European Working Conditions Survey
Working Paper 2012.09
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2010
(48 pp.)
ISSN 1994-4446-Print / 1994-4454-Online
Presentation on the web site ETUI Publications
Downloadable (PDF) |
Tom Vandenbrande, Sem Vandekerckhove, Patricia Vendramin, Gérard Valenduc, Rik Huys, Geert Van Hootegem, Isabelle Hansez, Christophe Vanroelen, Vanessa Puig-Barrachina, Kim Bosmans & Hans De Witte
Quality of work and employment in Belgium
Analysis of the Belgian results of the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (Eurofound, EWCS 2010)
Report for the Fedral Public Service of Employment
KU Leuven - FTU - VUB - ULg
Full report and summary downloadable in English on the SPF Employment web site (also in French and Dutch) |