Research projects |
Strenghtening e-inclusion and e-accessibility across Europe (eInclusion@EU) -European programme Information Society Technologies, sixth RTD framework programme (2004-2006) |
The purposes of this project are to identify problems
and opportunities for digital inclusion across Europe and to stimulate
an informed dialogue among all stakeholders concerned by e-inclusion.
The project consortium is led by Empirica, a German
consultancy specialised into sociopolitical research on ICT. Other
public or private research centres are associated in Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and United Kingdom, as well as a network of correspondants in EU-25.
The Work & Technology Research Centre of FTU is the Belgian
partner of the project (Januari 2004 to December 2006).
Results and publications
The final report of the European project "Strenghtening e-inclusion and e-accessibility across Europe" was published in June 2007. It concerns three main topics: e-accessibility; access to employment; acess to online public services (e-government, e-health and e-learning). eInclusion@EU is a 2004-2006 project for the programme Information
Society Technologies, under the 6th framework programme for RTD
of the European Union. FTU was partner of the project and is co-author of the final report.
The final report (PDF) is downloadable from this site. The project web site does not exist anymore. |