Publications |
and articles in the area "Changes in work", in English or other languages |
Pour les rapports et articles publiés en français, cliquer ici
Gérard Valenduc and Patricia Vendramin
Work in the digital economy: sorting the old from the new
Working Paper 2016.03
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2016
(58 pp.)
Presentation on the web site ETUI Publications
Downloadable (PDF) |
Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc
A gender perspective on older workers' employment and working conditions
Working Paper 2014.03
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2014
(66 pp.)
ISSN 1994-4446-Print / 1994-4454-Online
Presentation on the web site ETUI Publications
Downloadable (PDF) |
Patricia Vendramin, Gérard Valenduc (FTU), Anne-Françoise Molinié, Serge Volkoff (Centre d'études de l'emploi, Paris), Michel Ajzen, Evelyne Léonard (UCL)
Sustainable work and the ageing workforce
Eurofound - European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Dublin)
Report EF1266, decembre 2012
Downloadable from the Eurofound web site (5.5Mo, 104 pages) |
Patricia Vendramin and Gérard Valenduc
Occupations and ageing at work
An analysis of the findings of the fifth European Working Conditions Survey
Working Paper 2012.09
European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels, 2010
(48 pp.)
ISSN 1994-4446-Print / 1994-4454-Online
Presentation on the web site ETUI Publications
Downloadable (PDF) |
Tom Vandenbrande, Sem Vandekerckhove, Patricia Vendramin, Gérard Valenduc, Rik Huys, Geert Van Hootegem, Isabelle Hansez, Christophe Vanroelen, Vanessa Puig-Barrachina, Kim Bosmans & Hans De Witte
Quality of work and employment in Belgium
Analysis of the Belgian results of the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (Eurofound, EWCS 2010)
Report for the Fedral Public Service of Employment
KU Leuven - FTU - VUB - ULg
Full report and summary downloadable in English on the SPF Employment web site (also in French and Dutch) |
Gérard Valenduc, Patricia Vendramin (FTU), Marcello Pedaci, Mariangela Piersanti (IRES)
Changing careers and trajectories. How individuals cope with organisational change and restructuring
March 2009 (76 pp.)
Publication of the European project WORKS
Published by HIVA (KU Leuven)
ISBN 978-90-8836-012-1
Vendramin Patricia (editor, FTU), Belit S. (IAW), Bureau M.C. (CEE), Carvalho S. (CIS), Castro P. (CIS), Cultiaux J. (FTU), Damhuis L. (FTU), Davoine L. (CEE), Delay B. (CEE), Franco M.T. (FRPS), Füleki K. (MTA-PTI), Greco S. (FRPS), Grützmacher N. (IAW), Lebano A. (FRPS), Méda D. (CEE), Monaco M. (SDA), Nogal A. (CIS), Passos A. (CIS), Polyacskó O. (MTA-PTI), Ponzellini A.M. (FRPS), Richter G. (IAW), Soares C. (CIS), Vajda J. (MTA-PTI), Valenduc G. (FTU), Wang M. (CEE), Zoll-Grubert E. (IAW)
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Final synthesis report
SPReW project, October 2008.
Other SPReW reports downloadable from the project web site |
Gérard Valenduc, Patricia Vendramin (FTU), Bettina-Johanna Krings, Linda Nierling (ITAS)
How restructuring is changing occupations. Case study evidence from knowledge-intensive, manufacturing and service occupations
September 2008 (198 pp.)
Publication of the European project WORKS
Published by HIVA (KU Leuven)
ISBN 978-90-8836-004-6
Patricia Vendramin (editor) - Contributions from Bureau M.C., Castro P., Cultiaux J., Davoine L., Delay B., Füleki K., Grützmacher N., Knop A., Méda D., Nogal A., Passos A., Polyacskó O., Ponzellini A.M., Richter G., Vajda J., Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Wong M., Zoll R., Zoll-Grubert E.
Generational approach to the social patterns of relation to work (SPReW): state of the art of current research
SPReW Report, Series “EU research on social sciences and humanities”, EUR 22702ISBN 978-92-79-04874-6
European Commission, Brussels, 2007
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Guffens C. (FTU), Ponzellini A.M.,
Lebano A. (FRPS), D'Ouville L., Collet I. (ANACT), Wagner
I., Birbaumer A., Tolar M. (TUW), Webster J. (RCWE)
Widening Women's Work in Information and
Communication Technologies
Final synthesis report, European Commission (IST-2001-34520),
July 2004 (148 pp.)
(PDF 736 kb) or paper version on request by e-mail.
Other WWW-ICT reports downladable from the project web site |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., Rolland I. (FTU), Richardson R.,
Gillespie A., Belt V. (CURDS), Carré D., Maugéri
S., Combès Y. (LabSIC), Ponzellini A., Pedersini R.,
Neri S. (Fond. Seveso), Flexible work practices
and communication technology, Report for the European
Commission, SOE1-CT97-1064, DG XII, Brussels, 2000.
You can download:
Gillespie A., Richardson R.,
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Technology induced
atypical work-forms, report for the Office of technology
assessment of the European Parliament (STOA), Brussels, April
European Parliament, STOA documentation
You can download:
- the executive summary (5 pages, HTML)
- the full final report (164 pages, Acrobat
Desmette D., Vendramin P., Bridge employment in Belgium: between an early retirement culture and a concern for work sustainability, in Alcover C.M., Topa G., Parry E., Fraccaroli F., Depolo M. (dir), Bridge employment - a research handbook, Routledge, 2014, p. 70-89 |
Vendramin P., Generations, Work and Social Cohesion. In: Fashouin T., Tiraboschi M., Sanchez-Castaneda A., Serrani L., Sperotti F., Youth Unemployment and Joblessness, Adapt Labour Studies Book-Series, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012, p 27-43. |
Valenduc G., Not a job for life? Women's progression, conversion and dropout in ICT professions, in International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, vol. 3 n°2, 2011.
http://genderandset.open.ac.uk/index.php/genderandset/article/view/172/343 |
Valenduc G., The increasing diversification of occupational trajectories of knowledge workers, dans Krings B.J. (ed.) "Brain drain or brain gain ? Changes of work in knowledge-based societies", Sigma Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
Online on Google Books (read only) |
Vendramin P., Trabajo, sentido de pertenencia y cohesión social en Europa Occidental, in Hopenhayn M. & Sojo A. (eds), Sentido de pertenencia en sociedades fragmentadas, Siglo Veintuno Ed., Buenos Aires, 2011. |
Vendramin P., Age diversity and intergenerational relations at the workplace, Fourth Conference "Young People and Societies in Europe and arround the Mediterranean", Forli, 26-38 March 2009. Downloadable. |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., Restructuring in organisations and changes in occupational groups, in "Sociological Problems", Sofia (BG), 2007. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Work organisation and skills in ICT professions: the gender dimension (Downloadable), Conference "ICT, the knowledge society and changes in work", Den Haag, June 2005 |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., ICT,
flexible working and quality of life, in the proceedings
of "Unity and diversity: the contribution of the social
sciences and the humanities to the European Research Area",
European Commission (EUR 20484), Brussels, 2002, pp. 186-191.
Dowloadable (Acrobat
PDF) |
Valenduc G., El futuro del trabajo
en la sociedad de la información, in Nuevas formas
de trabajo y sociedad, Fundación Asturias, Oviedo,
2001. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Telework:
from distance working to new forms of flexible work organisation,
in Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 7
n° 2, Brussels, July 2001, pp. 244-257. |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., Information
technologies and intensification of work, in TA-Datenbank
Nachrichten, vol. 10 n°1, Karlsruhe, March 2001, pp. 83-87. |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., New work forms
and challenges for public policies, in the "Making
Telework work for all", Proceedings of the 6th European
Assembly on "Telework and new ways of working",
(Aarhus, DK, Sept. 1999), European Commission, July 2000,
pp. 31-39.
Downloadable (Acrobat
PDF) |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Telework
and non-standard ways of working, in the Proceedings
of the conference "Telework strategies for the new workforce",
International Flexwork Forum, Tokyo, Sept. 1999, pp. 40-49. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., A
social approach to flexibility in distance working, in
Suomi R. & al. (Eds.) Teleworking Environments, University
of Turku (Finland), Sept. 1998, pp. 230-244. |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., Networking
in services: organisational and professional changes,
in Clement A., Kolm P., Wagner I. (Eds), Networking: connecting
workers in and between organizations, Proceedings of the IFIP
Networking Conference, Vienna, June 1993, edited by North Holland,
1994, pp. 213-220. |