Publications |
and articles in the area "Information society", in English or other languages |
Pour les rapports et articles publiés en français, cliquer ici
The final report of the project "The second order dgital divide" is now published in French. A 12-pages summary is downloadable in English.
Brotcorne P., Damhuis L., Laurent V., Valenduc G., Vendramin P., The second order digital divide, Summary of the report for the Federal Science Policy Office, programme "Sociey and the Future", Brussels, 2010. |
The final report of the European project "Strenghtening e-inclusion and e-accessibility across Europe" was published in June 2007. It concerns three main topics: e-accessibility; access to employment; acess to online public services (e-government, e-health and e-learning). eInclusion@EU is a 2004-2006 project for the programme Information
Society Technologies, under the 6th framework programme for RTD
of the European Union. FTU was partner of the project and is co-author of the final report.
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Guffens C. (FTU), Ponzellini A.M.,
Lebano A. (FRPS), D'Ouville L., Collet I. (ANACT), Wagner
I., Birbaumer A., Tolar M. (TUW), Webster J. (RCWE)
Widening Women's Work in Information and
Communication Technologies
Final synthesis report, European Commission (IST-2001-34520),
July 2004 (148 pp.)
(PDF 736 kb) |
Arroyo Prieto L., Valenduc G., Digital skills and labour opportunities for low-skilled women, COST Action IS1202 Dynamics of virtual work, Working Paper Series n°6, December 2015. |
Brotcorne P., Digital inequalities among the digital natives: the end of a myth?, in Walrave & al. (eds), e-Youth – Balancing between opportunities and risks, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Geneva, 2011, p 57-78. |
Mertens L., Brotcorne P., Valenduc G., Offline Youth and the Digital Divide: Revisiting the Concept of "Digital Natives", in Engelen J., Dekelver J., Van den Bosch W., Social Media for Social Inclusion of Youth at Risk, Proceedings of the INCLUSO 2010 Conference, KULeuven, Sept. 2010, pp. 73-80. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Work organisation and skills in ICT professions: the gender dimension, Conference "ICT, the knowledge society and changes in work", Den Haag, June 2005 |
Valenduc G., El futuro del trabajo
en la sociedad de la información, in Nuevas formas
de trabajo y sociedad, Fundación Asturias, Oviedo,
2001. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Telework:
from distance working to new forms of flexible work organisation,
in Transfer - European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 7
n° 2, Brussels, July 2001, pp. 244-257. |
Vendramin P., Valenduc G., New work forms
and challenges for public policies, in the "Making
Telework work for all", Proceedings of the 6th European
Assembly on "Telework and new ways of working",
(Aarhus, DK, Sept. 1999), European Commission, July 2000,
pp. 31-39. |
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Electronic
resource planning: its roaring success and the risks,
in Communications & Strategies, IDATE (Montpellier), nr
37, pp. 169-175. |