Publications |
and articles in the area "Technology, innovation and
society", in English or other languages |
Pour les rapports et articles en français, cliquer ici
Felt U. (Editor), Castro P., Chavot P., Erlemann M., Gonçalves
M.E., Kasperowski D., Masseran A., Nolin J., Nunes J.A., Obi-Nwagwu
A.U., Stein J., Stevens D., Valenduc G., Vendramin P.
Opening public understanding of science
and technology - Final report
European Commission, June 2003
Valenduc G., Vendramin P, Building
a bridge between research programmes and the needs of society,
PD4-01 report for the European programme VALUE / Interfaces
for Innovation, Luxembourg, Dec. 1995 [ISBN 2-930062-08-8].
Patris C., Valenduc G.,
Warrant F., Technological innovation fostering
sustainable development, in SSTC/DWTC, Levers for a sustainable
development policy, Brussels, 2002, pp. 95-114. |
Valenduc G., Trade unions
as agents of environmental awareness : outcomes from the RISE
project, in Hildebrandt E., Lorentzen B., Schmidt E., "Towards
a sustainable worklife", Hans Böckler Stiftung, Edition
Sigma, Berlin, 2001.
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Vendramin P., Valenduc
G., TA and the Regions : the Walloon experiment of EMERIT,
in Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, Karlsruhe,
vol. 11 nr 2, Juli 2002. |
Warrant F., Valenduc G.,
Innovation in services : a set of criteria to compare innovation
support policies, in International Journal of Services Technology
and Management, Indersciences, vol. 3 n°3, 2002. |
Valenduc G., Medio ambiente y empleo en
una sociedad sustentable, in Más allá
del crecimiento: políticas e instituciones para la
sustentabilidad, Proceedings of the Biennal Congress of the
International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE), Santiago
de Chile, November 1998.
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Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Science, technological
innovation and sustainable development, in the Proceedings
of the Conference Science for a Sustainable Society, Roskilde
(DK), Oct. 1997.
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Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Social
prospective of technological change: a method for T.A. in social
relations, in Technology and Democracy, Proceedings of
the third European Conference on Technology Assessment (ECTA-3),
Vol II, pp. 466-477, Copenhagen, Nov. 1992. |