Research projects |
- Widening Women's Work in Information and Communication
Technology - for the European programme Information
Society Technologies (IST), fifth framework programme
of RTD (2002-2004) |
Why are there so few women among the professionals of
information and communication technology (ICT)? What are the barriers
to women choosing and developing careers in ICT professions, and
what changes are likely to improve their access and position in
this labour market? This European project (Information Society Technologies,
5th Framework Programme) hinges on the development of an integrated
approach to the different aspects of gender disparity in the ICT
professions. It combines explanatory factors linked to education
and training, with the conditions of work and employment, and with
the technical and professional culture of ICT. Research
teams in seven countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland,
Portugal and United Kingdom) have carried out in-depth empirical
studies. They suggest targeted recommendations for agents of change
in this area.
In memoriam: Laurence d'Ouville
Laurence d'Ouville accidentally died in December 2006. She was the WWW-ICT project manager at ANACT (Lyon). Through two years of intensive collaboration, all the WWW-ICT partners appreciated her dynamism, her lucidity, her engagement for professional equality between women and men, and also her communicative enthousiasm and jovial character. Laurence is co-author of most WWW-ICT publications. Particularly she designed the awareness leaflets. We share the sorrow of her family and friends and we want to pay her a tribute through this web site.
Downloadable documents: final products
Final synthesis report
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Guffens C. (FTU), Ponzellini A.M.,
Lebano A. (FRPS), D'Ouville L., Collet I. (ANACT), Wagner
I., Birbaumer A., Tolar M. (TUW), Webster J. (RCWE), Widening
Women's Work in Information and Communication Technologies,
final synthesis report, European Commission (IST-2001-34520),
July 2004 (148 pp.)
Downloadable in two PDF versions: electronic
version of the printed document (736 kB) or active
PDF document with bookmarks (882 kB, compressed)
Single free copies of the paper version of the final synthesis
report are available on request by e-mail to the project
coordinator, at postage costs: 2.20 € in Belgium,
5.65 € in Europe, 8.95 € outside Europe. Please
indicate clearly your postal address. |
Awareness leaflets (also web version in French)
A series of three 6-pages leaflets ainming at presenting
research conclusions and recommendations for three groups of "agents
of change": enterprises and their business partners; institutions
for education and vocational training; women's associations, trade
unions and institutions for equal opportunities.
Printed versions of awareness leaflets are available
on request by e-mail: in French and English to FTU; in German
to TUW and in
Italian to FRPS. |
Leaflet for companies, human
resource managers, recruiters, etc. |
Leaflet for schools and universities,
training providers and lifelong learning institutions |
Leaflet for women's associations,
women's groups in trade unions, organisations for equal opportunities |
Conclusions and recommendations
Conclusions are presented under four headings: education
and training; women's working conditions; labour market and labour
relations; women's trajectories. Recommendations start from the
question: what are the conditions that can make ICT professions
and careers more attractive for women? The document briefly describes
the steps leading from conclusions to recommendations. Then it presents,
in a synoptic view, the recommendations, the concerned agents of
change, and example of good practices supporting the relevance of
the recommendations. Recommendations are finally detailed according
to different European policy areas.
The document is an excerpt of the final synthesis report, downloadable
in PDF format (46 pp.)
Downloadable documents: scientific reports
Inventory and analysis of good practices
Final version: February 2004. This report summarises
and analyses the information gathered on good practices aimed at
improving women's place in ICT professions in Europe. After an introductory
comment on the definition criteria of "good" practices,
chapter I presents a structured overview of collected good practices,
highlighting their key formal characteristics and situating them
with regard to the variety of ICT professions. Chapter III draws
some avenues for development and evolution of these practices, stressing
the importance of driving forces and mobilising initiators. Chapter
IV develops methodological recommendations related to quality criteria
and evaluation process of good practices in this area. Chapter V
draws conclusions and recommendations, and summarises the key arguments
supporting the recommendations. Seven annexes present inventories
of selected good practices in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland,
Italy, France and the UK.
The full report is downloadable
in PDF format (118 pp. including annexes). Annexes are published
together the body text, as they provide quite practical, concrete
and useful information on the collected good practices.
Case studies of work organisation
Final version: February 2004. The report presents the
analysis and synthesis of 14 sectoral overviews and 28 case studies
of enterprises in two sectors (computer services and e-publishing)
and seven countries. Chapters I and II are respectively devoted
to a comparative analysis of work and employment in the computer
services industry and the e-publishing industry, with an emphasis
on social aspects and gender issues. Chapter III describes the case
study analysis in computer services and chapter IV in e-publishing.
Chapter V highlights some national and contextual issues related
to women's work in these sectors across Europe. Chapter VI presents
conclusions under two main headings: labour markets; organisational
structures and practices.
This synthesis report is downloadable
in PDF format (124 pp. including annexes summarising the main
features of case studies). Detailed reports on sectoral overviews
and case studies in each country will be made available on request
by e-mail to the project
Professional trajectories and biographies
First final version: January 2004. The report starts
presenting the conclusions from the biographical interviews, as
a 12-pages executive summary. The next chapter analyses more precisely
the key characteristics and varied profiles of women's biographies
in ICT. The third chapter draws eight clusters of career patterns
for women in ICT, based on a multi-criteria analysis of the coded
biographical sheets gathered by the seven research teams in their
country. The fourth chapter accounts for a more in-depth qualitative
analysis of life-story patterns. The fifth chapter comments specific
aspects of the male biographies and stresses the common and different
points as regards female biographies. Annex 1 contains the seven
synthesis reports on biographical interviews in each country. Annex
2 summarises the quantitative analysis of the coded biographical
sheets and explains the methodology of cluster analysis.
Two versions are downloadable in PDF format: the full
version, including the annexes (274 pp.) and a "light"
version, containing chapters 1-5 without the annexes (68 pp.).
Conceptual framework and state of the art
(September 2002, updated April 2003, English, 156 pp.,
downloadable PDF file)
This report describes the various dimensions of gender disparties
in ICT professions and discusses a set of interacting explicative
factors. It relies on a state of the art of existing research in
this area.
Other downloadable articles or presentations 2004-2008
Patricia Vendramin
Women's work in ICT in Europe: how to explain disparities ?
14th International Conference on Women Engineers and Scientists (IWECS14), Lille, July 2008
Gérard Valenduc, Patricia Vendramin
Work organisation and skills in ICT professions: the gender dimension
Conference "ICT, the knowledge society and changes in work", Den Haag, June 2005
Gérard Valenduc
Women's trajectories in ICT professions
International conference of the WINNET network, Brussels, Novembre 2005.
Gérard Valenduc, Patricia Vendramin, Caroline Guffens
La place des femmes dans les métiers des TIC
Revue Wallonie, n° 80, Liège, septembre 2004
Project partners WWW-ICT
Fondation Travail-Université (FTU)
Project co-ordinators: Patricia Vendramin (pvendramin@ftu-namur.org)
and Gérard Valenduc (gvalenduc@ftu-namur.org)
National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions
Project manager: Laurence D'Ouville
Vienna University of Technology (TUW), Institute
for Technology Assessment and Design
Project manager: Ina Wagner (iwagner@pop.tuwien.ac.at)
Pietro Seveso
Project manager : Anna Ponzellini (ponzmi@tin.it)
Research and Consultancy in Work and Employment
Project manager: Juliet Webster (equality.research@debeauvoir.co.uk)
University of Lisbon, Centre for Social Research and
Intervention (CIS)
Project manager: Paula Castro (paula.castro@iscte.pt)
Trinity College, Employment Research Centre (ERC)
Project manager: James Wickham (jwickham@tcd.ie)